Saturday 5 September 2015

Preliminary task: Review Three Typical Magazine Covers

Review Three Typical Magazine Covers

Genre: Fashion Magazines

Mastheads –
-  All three of my chosen magazines have title that are bold, simple and clear.
- All three magazine covers have been designed so that the photograph overlaps with the title, this makes the photo more center of attention and draws the reader in more to the main topic of interest in the magazine. 
- Two of my chosen magazines choose to use colour in their title so that it works with its surrounding pictures and text and so the theme of the magazines content is shown at first glance. However the Vogue magazine that doesn’t use bold colours in their title compensates for lack of colour in their photography and subtitles.

Images and Colour Themes –
   -  All three magazines uses celebrities as selling points and all but one try and make the product being sold central of the page so that the reader is originally drawn to the person on the cover and then to what they are wearing. How the photo and cover is laid out will have to represent the celebrities personality and clothing style, for example Vogue have gone for very loud but feminine colours that represents Lady Gaga and an artist, this is therefore a contrast to her dress which is simple and graceful.
- Colour themes chosen generally complement colours in the main photo. For example in Ella the colours in the photo are quite cold and quiet so they have chosen similar colours for the text.

Cover Lines –
 - Cover lines with main information that will hook the reader to want to read more are normally the second largest piece of text of the cover and normally are bold and a strong clear intriguing colour.
- stories in the magazine that are the most interesting normally are placed nearer the top of the page and less intriguing cover lines are smaller and near the bottom, however still bold and different to other text on the cover.

Plugs -

- On all three magazine covers the plugs are short, sweet but very to the point which is good because this hooks the reader onto the information right at the start and makes them want to read more.

- All plugs stay within the colour scheme of the rest of the cover which of the reader is visually pleasing. 

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