Wednesday 16 September 2015

Preliminary task: Final Analysis

Final Magazine Cover Analysis

What conventions have I used or challenge? 
  • A standard, bold and simple masthead at the top of the cover above the central image.
  • There is a clear central image at the center of the cover, which is related to the cover line and the main article of the magazine.
  • Big bold subtitle around central image with sixth form related plugs around it.
  • A Barcode
  • Advertorials that would be helpful for students at sixth form of just starting University.
  • Social Media advertising for the magazine at the bottom of the cover.
  • A black and white central image is normal not used, colour to attract readers is usually used.
  • I would next time make the cover more bold and pleasing to the eye.
What was the thinking behind the design?
  • For the whole look to look modern and appealing to a festival audience. E.g: the central image is of a girl wearing festival clothes in a field with a black and white filter so I could use the text for bright colours and youthful colour combinations.
  • I wanted to get a very festival feel with my magazine so it wasn't all about school events because sometimes a magazine full of school stuff isn't very appealing to sixth formers and people of their age. However the cover does say that there is still some school and sixth form information within the magazine.
How successful was my final page?
  • I feel that the overall look and feel of the cover is very appealing to people in sixth form and that information inside the magazine is what they would be interested in reading about.
  • I like how the colour combination came out and that the colours chosen work well together and give a modern look and feel.
  • I think that the advertisements related very well to the target audience.
What do I need to work on for future coursework?
  • My photo edited skill could be improved and could be done using more advanced software.
  • Be more clear on a chosen font style and font colour.
  • Maybe be more related to sixth form life and not what people were likely to do in the summer holidays.
Time Management?
  • Time management could have been less rushed. I finished tasks very fast and probably could have spend more time and but more detail into it.

Overall I am pleased with the overall look and feel of my magazine cover for sixth former's.
Next time I wont let the font chosen be to widely varied.                

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