Tuesday 13 October 2015

PLANNING My Magazines Readership Profile

My Magazines Readership Profile

Basic Reader Information:
  •  Age: Ranges between 14 and 30, adolescent years all the way through young adulthood.
  • Gender: Aimed at Female and Male using colour schemes and images very gender neutral. 
  • Occupation/Skills: The older readers will have very creative, stress free jobs e.g: artist, architect or in performing arts. Younger readers will have a very creative skills set and will want to pursue a creative life and career.
  •  Demographic: Level B/A so quite high status, people buying this magazine will need to be quite well payed to get the magazine and then maybe purchase music advertised within it.
An Example of one of my Readers!
This is Patrick in a nut shell:

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student studying Media, Drama and Business
Demographic: Level B 

Personality and Characteristics:

  • Interests: 
 - Interested in old sounding music made to sound modern and up to date. for examples genres of music like folk rock, indie pop and indie rock. Interested in performing arts in general, dance, drama and music.
- In to helping with the local area and helping with charities.
- Loves to party and socialize with friends and cool modern events e.g: festivals
- Interested in vintage clothes and would regularly shop online on Etsy or go to charity shop to buy clothes.
  • Personality:
- Out going character with a bubbly personality but at the same time a cool calm way about themselves.
- Popular in social groups.
- Loves to lead but doesn't push themselves into situations.
  • Psychographics: 
- A mixture of an Aspirers, Explorers and Reformers.

In their spare time?

  • Plays guitar
  • Attends a drama club
  • listens to music and composes 
  • In holidays helps out at local charity centres
  • volunteer work 
  • Art
  • Goes for walks in woods, fields and parks

What They spend money on?

  • Music
  • Stuff for guitar
  • Clothes
  • Food

Media Consumption:

  • Reads some music magazines like Q and NME
  • Uses social media like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter
  • Shops on websites like Etsy, Fab.com, fat face, new look, urban outfitters
  • Watches TV and films and watches genres like dramas, comedy and sometimes action.


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