Monday 5 October 2015

RESEARCH House Styles Research

House Styles Research

'All the characteristics, conventions and use of colour and language of a company, institution, website etc that serves to make it distinct from others.' 

Q's look:

  •  Font: Throughout the magazine the font choice general stays that same but isn't the same font as the house style of the main 'Q' logo. In all 'Q's out going issues the 'Q' font never changes. The reason the font used for the 'Q' isn't used in the rest of the magazine is because the font used for the 'Q' is quite serif and feminine and this doesn't suit the style and music genre of the magazine.
  • Colour: The colour chosen for the house style stays strong throughout the whole magazine back to front. The text and overall page layout normally sticks with the colour scheme of black, white and red so throughout reading the magazine the reader never forgets which magazine they are reading. On each page of the magazine, very small on the bottom right corner with the page number sits the magazines logo, this whole house theme make the magazines look look very professional at all times throughout.
  • Visual Features: Sometimes the magazine will chose to style the artist on the front cover with similar colours as the house style to make the whole look of the cover look professional and memorable, so that as soon as the reader looks at the cover they know its 'Q'. they would also keep the colour theme going throughout articles in the magazine and leave the adverts to bring other colours to the magazine.
NME's look:
  • Font: The house style of NME's logo is very cartoon themed which make the font stand out most on the page. Like 'Q' the font chose in the rest of the magazine is not the same as the logo, this backs it clearer to read and gives a contrast between fonts. To make some subtitles and key information stand out they have high lighted some text to make the colour look bolder and clearer.
  • Colour: Like 'Q' the colour theme of the house style sticks throughout the magazine. Layout and fonts stick with the colours black, white and red which links back to the logo of the magazine.
  • Visual Features: However unlike 'Q' the magazine has chosen to contrast colours not only with advertisements but with backgrounds and colours warn in photos on the cover and throughout the magazine. 
In Conclusion:
Most music magazine stick with the house style throughout the whole issue. This is usually shown through uses of colour and not so much font or visual features. Colours chosen for the house style are usually gender neutral to keep the audiences gender range more open until the music genre is established.  

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