Monday 12 October 2015

RESEARCH Analysis of Audience Research

Analysis of Audience Research

Results from questionnaire and analysis: 

My results show that people mainly read music magazines to find out about new artist. This does not surprise me as I personally would read a music magazine for this reason and not really to find out about events or artists I already know about.

This research shows us that Q magazine has the most appealing look and house style and that most people would prefer that magazine because of it. The magazines house style is very gender natural so I'm not surprised that most of the 20 people who took the questionnaire when this way.

My results show that the majority of magazine readers would prefer a tidy front cover layout so that the overall message is clear and so that it is clear and easy to understand and not messy and confused.

The colour scheme shown to be the most popular in my results is not surprising as the colours chosen are quite gender natural where as the other 3 options are either more liked my one sex, for example pink and lighter colours would be favored by females and the blues and darker colours would more or less be favored by the males.

The genres chosen to me the most liked where the more up to date more modern styles of music, rock and pop. This is the case as on most social media and radio stations this genre of music is played meaning that it is the most listened to genre and preferred out of the 5 shown above.
 The font style Serif Sans is generally more popular to use in magazines as the font is generally clearer and easier to read and understand. This also means that the font drags less attention away from the rest of the page with is interesting colours and picture.

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