Monday 7 December 2015

EVALUATION: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learn't in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

 Before and After 


  • The Preliminary cover has better cover lines in the sence it uses a larger range of colour to make it look interesting, however there are to many and clutters the page to much.
  • My full product covers masthead looks more professional and is more eye catching, the preliminary covers masthead is simply just a text box with words that are one font.
  • I think on the full product cover the white background makes the cover look to simple and therefore makes it less eye catching to the reader. However on the preliminary cover i feel that the background of the photo is to textured and makes the cover lines harder to read.
  • The preliminary cover has ads and the full product doesn't, I feel this is a good thing as the ads take attention way from the main cover photo.
  • The cover image on the preliminary cover is quite small meaning the attention when the reader looks at the page wont be directed at the main artist. However on the full product cover the image is big, central and clear with no detraction background.

For the Preliminary task we didn't have every long. We had 2 weeks to complete the planning, the product and the evaluation which isn't a long time at all. However that was only for one cover page, for the real product we had 3 months to complete the real planning, a cover, contents and feature article page, and the evaluation. so we had much more time on the full product.

When I first started my Preliminary task I had no knowledge of how to work editing software of any kind, e.g: Indesign, fireworks or blogger. Not using this software effected the end outcome of my project and this is one the reasons my final project is much better quality than my Preliminary.

Overall I feel the preliminary cover isn't as good as my full product because I had less time on it and it isn't as suited to the audience as the full product. Overall I feel the look of the full product looks more professional and less cluttered that the preliminary.

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