Monday 7 December 2015

EVALUATION: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learn't in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

 Before and After 


  • The Preliminary cover has better cover lines in the sence it uses a larger range of colour to make it look interesting, however there are to many and clutters the page to much.
  • My full product covers masthead looks more professional and is more eye catching, the preliminary covers masthead is simply just a text box with words that are one font.
  • I think on the full product cover the white background makes the cover look to simple and therefore makes it less eye catching to the reader. However on the preliminary cover i feel that the background of the photo is to textured and makes the cover lines harder to read.
  • The preliminary cover has ads and the full product doesn't, I feel this is a good thing as the ads take attention way from the main cover photo.
  • The cover image on the preliminary cover is quite small meaning the attention when the reader looks at the page wont be directed at the main artist. However on the full product cover the image is big, central and clear with no detraction background.

For the Preliminary task we didn't have every long. We had 2 weeks to complete the planning, the product and the evaluation which isn't a long time at all. However that was only for one cover page, for the real product we had 3 months to complete the real planning, a cover, contents and feature article page, and the evaluation. so we had much more time on the full product.

When I first started my Preliminary task I had no knowledge of how to work editing software of any kind, e.g: Indesign, fireworks or blogger. Not using this software effected the end outcome of my project and this is one the reasons my final project is much better quality than my Preliminary.

Overall I feel the preliminary cover isn't as good as my full product because I had less time on it and it isn't as suited to the audience as the full product. Overall I feel the look of the full product looks more professional and less cluttered that the preliminary.

EVATUATION: What have you learn't about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Click image to see my video presentation!

Click image to see my video presentation!

Click image to see my video presentation!

Friday 4 December 2015

EVALUATION: How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?

  • Country looking quirky personalized artist central on front cover. Clothing and look of artist very popular with females aged 12 to 25.
  • Nature references with the Daisy badge and the animals on the artist's top (females general prefer this style).
  • Folk styled artists which fits with the music genre.
  • Folk styled fonts and colours. The colour scheme is relatively gender natural but uses more female colours like purple and yellow other that more male colours like greens and dark blues.
  • Not to cluttered or messy on page which a more mature female would appreciate.
  • Folk like fonts and colours. The colour scheme is relatively gender natural but uses more female colours like purple and yellow other that more male colours like greens and dark blues.
  • Lots of folk artists mentioned and pages with quiz's, gossip and new facts. This will give the reader more incentive to read on and find out more about new or familiar artists.
  • Warm toned images scattered around page to draw eyes to it contrasting from pain white background.

  • Folk like fonts, colours and illustrations. The colour scheme is relatively gender natural but uses more female colours like purple and yellow other that more male colours like greens and dark blues.
  • Unknown information about feature artist. This will give the reader more incentive to read on and find out more about new or familiar artists.
  • Quotes.
  • Linear in layout, clean, which a more mature female would appreciate.


EVALUATION: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Is my audience the same or has it changed?
 Only slightly:
  • Age: Ranges between 12 and 25, adolescent years and through young adulthood.
  • Gender: Aimed at Female and Male but mainly Females, using colour schemes and images gender neutral but closer the the Female spectrum
  • Occupation/Skills: The older readers will have very creative, stress free jobs e.g: artist, architect or in performing arts. Younger readers will have a very creative skills set and will want to pursue a creative life and career.
  • Demographic: Level B/A so quite high status, people buying this magazine will need to be quite well payed to get the magazine and then maybe purchase music advertised within it. 
 Only age and gender targeting has changed from the original plan of my reader's basic profile.

EVALUATION: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Bauer Publishing Group  
H Bauer’s Women’s Interest titles include, Spirit & Destiny, the leading spiritual lifestyle magazine, Fate & Fortune the leading psychic spooky stories magazine, Take a Break’s Fiction Feast, full of popular reads and true life stories, as well as seasonal special magazines for the best-selling Take a Break and that’s life! magazines. 

My thoughts: Overall this publishing company is more in the style of gossip magazines and very modern. Also the look is very much targeted at females .

Time Inc. UK

Over 60 iconic media brands that captivate and inspire millions of people every day across print, online, mobile, tablets and experiences.

My Thoughts: This company has a range of looks and styles that are more divers for the readers. Their magazines are targeted at not only female but also men.

 The publisher that would be best for my magazine would be Time.Inc. UK. 

Cover Comparison: 


Wednesday 2 December 2015